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We offer a selection of media training  and communication workshops, customised to the client’s industry and pitched at a level appropriate for the participants’ seniority and pre-course knowledge.  Synopses are below.

Media Spokesperson Training

Physical classroom - 1 day (max 6 participants)
  • We offer bespoke training tailored to corporate or individual needs

  • Content can be general or crisis-related

  • Training covers message development as well as delivery, but with a strong emphasis on practical work

  • Experienced journalists conduct probing interviews for television (standing or seated) or radio

  • Participants practise one-to-one interviews, press conferences, panel discussions, doorstops, and more

  • Interview scenarios are developed according to client specifications

  • Participants receive immediate trainer feedback and guidance

Depending on the class size, each participant will have the opportunity to practise at least three different types of interview.  After the course, they will each receive a personal video containing their interviews.

The media lie in wait for the spokesperson.  Simulating situations like this help participants prepare to face the media in difficult conditions. 

Virtual Interviews Training

Virtual - half-day (max 3 participants)
  • As with physical training,  courses are tailored to meet corporate or individual needs

  • Because of the shorter course duration, participants are given pre-reading covering the theory

  • All practical sessions take the form of virtual media interviews

  • Interview scenarios are developed according to client specifications

  • Participants receive immediate trainer feedback and guidance

Each participant will have the opportunity to practise three interview scenarios.  After the course, they will each receive a personal video containing their interviews.

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Virtual interviews are now commonplace on television news shows.

Crisis Communication Best Practices

Physical classroom - 1 day (max 24 participants)
  • This course is pitched at an operational level for those who may be required to lead or play a key role in a crisis communication team

  • During the course, participants will develop a crisis communication plan for a fictitious organization (for in-house courses, the exercise may include reviewing and enhancing the client's real plan)  

  • We begin with the pre-crisis stage of a crisis, including principles of crisis communication, developing a crisis communication plan and setting up a crisis communication centre

  • Then we focus on the crisis response stage, in particular strategic message development and handling the media

  • This is followed by the recovery stage, including damage control and protecting reputation, and stakeholder management 

  • The teaching methods comprise a mix of presentations, discussions and exercises, with case studies to illustrate the learning points 

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An unsuspecting participant is ambushed by a trainer, acting as a reporter, as she enters the building during a crisis training session.  

Crisis Communication Workshop

Physical classroom - 2 days (max 24 participants)
  • This course comprises crisis communication best practices on day one (see above) plus a full-day simulation exercise on day two

  • For in-house courses, the simulation exercise can be tailored to meet the client's requirements 

  • Before the exercise, participants are divided into teams, with each team representing a different business unit involved in the same crisis; e.g. one team could represent head office while the other teams could represent subsidiaries or overseas offices 

  • The exercise simulates the early stages of the crisis; depending on the scenario, this could be the first two days or possibly longer 

  • Much of the day is spent responding to the crisis situation, which involves situational awareness, crafting statements for external and internal audiences, and responding to media and stakeholder calls. 

  • Participants practise one-to-one interviews and press conferences 

  • Team performances are monitored, and the teams receive trainer feedback and guidance

A simulation exercise in progress, with participants divided into teams.  This was a specially-designed in-house exercise for 70 participants.

Strategic Communication for Management

Physical classroom - Half-day or 1 day (max 15 participants)
Virtual - Half-day (max 9 participants)
  • This course is deigned for C-suite executives and board members and focuses on their role in responding to a crisis

  • Many examples exist of senior executives causing damage to the organization's reputation by failing to recognise the implications of their words, actions and directives in a crisis

  • The course is light on theory and mainly discussion-based, using case studies and group exercises to examine top management's role and advise how to develop an effective strategy for protecting reputation and controlling damage in a crisis

  • While the half-day and full-day physical versions of the course cover the same topics, the full-day course includes more group exercises.

  • The virtual course involves using virtual breakout rooms and group sizes are smaller than for the physical course

Strategic thinking group exercises involve analysing situations that could generate negative publicity but involve sensitive information, and reaching agreement on how to respond publicly.

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